How to Reach Your Goals

There’s an art to goal setting, and anything is possible if you have the right plan. Here’s how I bring mine to life:

1. Make your goals actionable.

Having an overarching vision or dream for yourself is a great first start, but I encourage you to view your goals as a project comprising multiple tasks.

2. Write down your goals.

Neuroscience shows that we’re more likely to achieve our goals when they’re written down. Not only are there visual benefits of physically seeing your goal on paper, but the act of writing helps your brain remember the goal itself.

3. Break your goals into manageable steps.

Your goals don’t have to be gargantuan or grueling. When you split your goal into small, doable steps, you’ll be able to stay on track with less effort.

4. Work on your goals in the morning.

And I mean first thing. Starting your day with work towards your goals will generate momentum and progress no matter what.

5. Celebrate your progress along the way.

It can be difficult to see how far you’ve come without looking! While goal setting is future-focused, don’t shy away from peeking back.

6. Hire a mentor to stay on track.

Business mentors have been where you are. Save yourself from potential mistakes by getting an expert in your court who can provide guidance and accountability.

With the right plan, actions, and vision, you can make your dreams come true. Take action and go after your goals today!


Sleep and Entrepreneurship