I transformed my life, and I love what I do.

You can change whenever you want—and I’m living proof of it.

I’ve learned that:

You can change.

Right here, right now, you have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be.

You can rest.

Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be a 24/7 hustle. You can build a business around your life.

You can thrive.

Work-life balance is a myth, but work-life integration can help you live life on your terms.

I never expected to be a business owner.

I come from a family of teachers and was always good at following directions. Following in my family's footsteps, I worked as a teacher and expected to do that full-time.

Unexpectedly, my husband and I had the opportunity to purchase a gym. We thought, “Well, this could be fun. We can be paid to work out!” We thought the business could be a potential safety net if I needed to take time off to be with my kids, so we took the leap.

Quickly into owning the business, I realized that we were in over our heads. We didn’t know how to run and, importantly, grow a business and needed guidance. I sought a business mentor and, at the time, didn’t realize that this would change my life.

My business mentor gave me the guidance to become a true entrepreneur and leader. From creating a marketing plan to establishing systems to changing the culture of our organization, I had guidance and the tools to figure out where to start and how to grow.

Cut to today. I opened a successful second and third location, sold the first, and now own 8 rentals and primary homes across multiple states, all while being a parent of three. I’ve mentored hundreds of business owners based on the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and I genuinely love what I do.

By the numbers.

In the past 5 years, I have achieved:


in gross revenues






business owners mentored


kids raised


rental properties purchased

You deserve to love what you do.

Build a business that helps you live the life of your dreams. I’ll get you there.